
Been awake since 4 am (an hour ago) for a disruption and finally called a fellow engineer because I can't fix this.

It's starting to get light.

There goes my night 😞

  • 4
    Sorry to hear. You did what you could, now it's time to get some sleep. You'll have another chance later! Sleep well and don't burn out.
  • 5
    You actually sleep at night and work during the day in this heat? Very impressive I have to say! Hope you'll be able to get the issue resolved soon :)
  • 1
    Oh man... Get back your lost sleep time asap... 😴 Haven't been sleeping yet, I've been working the night until one hour ago. Now it's for bed 😊
  • 4
    @hndk @Condor @jackconnorhull Slept at 1 and woke up at 4. Haven't slept since. At least I can enjoy a beautiful sunset 😊
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