
The first programmers were women... cool

  • 6
    Any meme captions on this should be along the lines of "Bitch, please. Been there, done that, you're welcome."
  • 3
  • 1
    Now programmers are desperate to get a woman
  • 12
    "In the beginning, they weren’t even allowed into the ENIAC room because they didn’t yet have the security clearance. Instead, they were expected to code the machine using only paper diagrams of it. These diagrams didn’t come with any instructions—they had to figure it out themselves without any programming languages or manuals, because none existed."

    And you thought your situation sucked, LOL wow
  • 2
    And that’s why code is so hard to understand
  • 1
    I was wondering why there's a joke/meme tag... Anyway, I agree it's cool. It's fucking awesome! 😊
  • 2
    Yeah, But the sad part is that they didn't get much respect fame and representation and most of the people don't know about their story.
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