
I want to start a rant thread, imagine yourself living in Syria, or south Africa, or a gang run neighbourhood in South America... What would your rant be..


the well where we get our water just got shat on by the Town drunk

Now I have to walk 5 km instead of 2.. My kid sister needs water today or she might die...

.. And! Siri just gave me the wrong fucking directions

FUCK apple

(Not real apples, cuz.. I'm hungry)

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    Maybe this thread might make us think just a little about how small our problems are
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    Size of your problem is in your head, sure you could tell that struggle to survive is biger problem than struggle to get the newest iPhone. It is true, but for particular person it is relative if you have always everything what you want lack of iPhone could be really sad and on the other hand if you struggle to survive, but you are no longer abuse it could feel like a relief. It "could" because it is affected by your mind for each problem you could take three approaches:
    - take it emotionally (cry, anger)
    - fuck it (Flight is canceled - fuck it I go home)
    - rationally. (Flight is canceled - what can I do to get my destination, ask for refund, another flight or something)

    Also it remembers me Rincewind words that boredom is awesome only when you think about it and you are busy, but when it comes it sucks. Usually you aren't happy because your thinks and actions nor lack of money etc.
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    @Omnisus you are making my point for me

    Is not in your head when your sister is literally dying of starvation

    Dramatic, yes
    Serious, uncomfortable, yes

    It is not a fucking missed flight
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    @S-Homles-MD maybe i heard it before and somehow my brain put my words in sjmilar way :D

    @rant1ng Death of your own child is very serious traumatic experience for parents, but earlier days it was also traimatic, but not as much as nowdays, because it was normal. Children dies and you cant do anything about it. It is same problem, but how people experience it isn't same.

    Sister dying from starvation isn't missed flied, but how you manage this problem is in your head. When you have car crash and your child is bleeding you could cry, lay down because its almost dead and you can't do anything or try to stop bleeding, call 911 etc.
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    @Omnisus I mean.. I get what you're saying.

    You're right it is, how you react to things is on the end your choice no matter how traumatic, choosing a good response is useful
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    @rant1ng I thought you got it, but later I was little confused :) it was probably due my not very good English
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    @Omnisus ”The problem of your size is in your pants”
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