
Why is it ok for a girl to live off her husbands salary and not vica versa? Like fuck it ill do the dishes and play games all day and to hell with my 9 to 6 job. Starting to seem the only way i’d be able to code what i want not what im asked too 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • 2
    You are lebanese ?
  • 1
    @Mba3gar yeah why
  • 4
    Depends on where you live. For example, in most countries in Asia it's ok to live off your husband's job and the society seems to be ok with it. But in the west I don't it's the same at least before she becomes a mom.
  • 2
    @AymanH i see mate because same and we are the only ones who suffer from this long job schedule and low salary i feel you bruh
  • 3
    @Mba3gar yes honestly, we spend all day at work for the minimum wage of $700 a month while trying to buy a typical 3-room appartment for $300,000. 😂😂 such a joke. God be with you my friend
  • 4
    Because women don't marry down, and they get away with it because men have more drive to the pussy than women to the dick.
  • 1
    Must depend on where you live. Where I am it's definitely not OK for a woman to not have a job unless she has kids (full-time parent), and it's fine for a man to be a SAHD in that case also. If anything the SAHD gets more props and cookies than the SAHM.
  • 0
    Really depends on location and person. I would be fine with a stay at home husband. A lot of people, sadly, are still into gender stereotypes, but not everyone is like that.
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