Guess who just read content off a site out of browser dev tools because the page displayed an intrusive 'whitelist us from your adblocker' modal

  • 1
    I got an extension to remove those overlays šŸ¤£
  • 2
    Me on Pinterest... Always remove the "login to see more" part ^^
  • 2
    I usually avoid reading articles of such pages. If really necessary, I just find the html node of the modal and delete it but in this particular case, they blocked the scrolling and I was too lazy to find if it was injected or done via css so took the easy way out šŸ¤·šŸ»‍ā™‚ļø
  • 0
    This guy? You had me guess. I'm guessing this guy.
  • 0
    @stisch lol forgot to put that after writing my rant and used emojis instead
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