
I really hate asking for help

  • 8
    🤔 This sounds like a cry for help...
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    @nate I'm feeling the most neutral emotion rn
  • 3
    @Bubbles Can I help? 💚
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    @Bubbles I'm here to listen
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    @nate I started a small project to test myself on a library i just learned in python. And I tried to hold off on it but I had to ask for help to debug it because I didnt know what was going wrong and I didnt understand the errors cause I'm new to the library. And I feel over all that i failed since i couldnt do it without help
  • 4
    @Bubbles We're all here to learn, right? Nobody knows everything, and if they didn't what fun would that be! (Unless you count showing off as fun!). Hopefully whoever you asked was understanding, and you've progressed further by expanding your knowledge! x
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    @nate the person only helped with 1 of the 2 problems.. which I appreciate that he explained the first one really well but I was gonna make a post on stackoverflow about the other
  • 3
    @Bubbles Other people, even though they might not like to admit it, and may even disguise it, have their limitations too! StackOverflow it baby!
  • 1
    @nate at this point it's my only option 😅
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    @Bubbles It's still a good option, but I have to say it sounds more like a failure of the people around you than it is a failure of yours.
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    @Bubbles Are you working with people who are more senior than you? Who are paid better than you? Are they 'leads' or 'managers'?

    They are paid a) to take on more risk and b) to impart knowledge to their juniors.

    It's their failure if a) they don't acknowledge your need for it and b) if you ask for it and they don't provide it.
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    @nate Oh, no I dont have a job. I'm in college but not in my major classes yet. I'm just self teaching from home on my free time. I'm flattered but sadly I'm not there yet
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    I wish I was getting paid
  • 1
    Wish my coworkers being as shy as you.. they litterally spams me.
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    @jAsE One side, I love puns. But the other side I wasnt ready to handle what he threw at me
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