This F***ing government college faculty crossed my complete answer of a F***ing bubble sort in 3rd year of Mathematics & Computing by saying and I quote, " Why is this i loop inside of j loop?" and after getting again on my feet after listening and understanding this absurd statement, I tried to explain to which he asked ne to show any book where it is written like this.

To i loop and j loop he meant the variable name in for loops, 🤬🤬🤬🤬
these f***ing reserved government professors in elite institutions like IITs

  • 10
    Bubble sort in 3rd year? What is that madnesss?
  • 7
    Wait, just to be clear: so the "mistake" was that you had the i loop inside the j loop instead of j in i? Wtf?
  • 0
    So u in which IIT?
  • 2
    If you’re going to name your iterators i and j the least you could do is put them in order. I think that’s good advice.

    I don’t think I would fail anyone over it mind you.
  • 0
    😄 probably he just wanted to introduce you to the concept known by so many "devs" out there that you don't necessarily need to understand the code if you can copy/paste it from StackOverflow or from a book as in this specific case 🐒
  • 0
    who the hell teaches like that....
    totally insane...
    now we can't even choose our own variable for a task... 😂😂😂😂😂
  • 1
    Why do people even teach bubble sorts?
    The first one I wrote was in like 7th grade, and I came up with it on my own.
  • 2
    @Root yeah you are right.
    who teaches bubble sort in 3rd year
  • 1
    @Root To teach you how NOT to do it! 🙂
  • 1
    OMFG ! WoW this is the scenario at IIT !
    And why you doing bubble sort in 3rd year 😂
  • 1
    @ceee Its in our syllabus.
  • 1
    @codeaayu do you guys have the algorithms course in 3rd year ?
  • 0
    Is it Fortran that you guys are using for the computing course? If so then the I,j,k-loop makes absolute sense by default in Fortran
  • 0
    @Gaveuxifort no, it was just C++
  • 0

    I did mathematical computing in 3rd year of my undergrad... it was a long time ago not sure nowadays
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