Since Oracle is trying to kill Java right now, what should my next big love be?
Maybe C#?
Any suggestions?

  • 2
    Kotlin, it's better anyways. Kotlin + OpenJDK + OpenJFX, and no worries're left.
  • 0
    This reminds me the time my old boss tried to keep me from quitting suggesting that C# is a dead language and I was going to learn a technology doomed to fail. Proposing me to work on an internal project done with Java. Fuck that guy. I'm super happy with my new company's stack.
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    I mean, as someone who made the switch to C# when I started working, NET Core especially is great to work with. Can't in all honesty say it makes sense to jump ship like that though.
  • 0
    Rust, Haskell, Lisp (Clojure or Common Lisp), C, Kotlin, Javascript

    The possibilities are endless
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