
Hey guys, I've got a question.
Do you think flask is a good framework for big web applications?

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    We use Django

    Personally I prefer golang
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    I love flask. I really do. I got it setup with Pug and Scss. Used both MySQL and mongodb with it. And if you like websockets you can get those working too. I was going to learn Django and I still do want to but flask was just way easier to pick up. Oh and there have been pretty large scale projects built on flask. I can't remember any names off the top of my head though
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    A flask application just takes in input and gives an output. That's all flask does. It's a really simple framework for making simple apps. Everything that happens on the inside is just plain python. No extra tools. Their template engine if you're using it is a bit slow but python is by definition a bit slow.

    If your app is really large to the extent that Architecture actually matters, you should use something like django which has its own architectural community and I don't know if flask has that.

    My 2 cents.
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    @rookiemaverick thanks for the opinion
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    @hashedram ohh man, really thanks you're opened my eyes and gave me the answer I was searching for!!
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    Flask is used in dev mode, it can serve only one connection at a time.. but later on combined with nginx it's amazing
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