
FUCK EVERY PERSON IN THIS SHIT BANK!! FFS THE IDIOTS CREATED A NEW DATABASE USING SQL SERVER 2008! Yes, 2008 and its a new database if it was some type of legacy I could try to understand, but this shit is a completely new database. I have to use sequelize and guess what? It can't paginate results because shit server 2008 does not accept OFFSET FETCH syntax

  • 0
    Pagination with offset is a bad pattern.
    Read this: https://use-the-index-luke.com/no-o...
  • 0
    Wow, great article, I have never thought about this before. Unfortunately I can't use that here because the system has navigation by pages. But now I will always think about it when I have the need to paginate results.

    Thanks :)
  • 0
    Oh, and the SQL Server is the 2005 edition, I sent the rant before checking the version, so this is even worse.
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