
Hey my bros. I’m trying to create a simple messenger bot just for fun using this tutorial:


But it seems that I’m kinda stuck with setting up the webhook on the fb page, it displays an error

“the url couldn’t be validated, callback verification failed...”

I googled for answers but it seems that it doesn’t work for me. Can you please help me? Thank you so much.

  • 0
    Is your ngrok tunnel up and Running, and do you use the current ngrok address and not an old one ?
  • 0
    @Nibot hi! Yes it’s up and running along with my local server. And I’m using the current ngrok address. Tried it again today, but it’s still displaying the error when setting up the webhooks section :(
  • 0
    Ok. Does your pageaccesstoken match, and does your verifytoken also match ?
  • 0
    You can look here https://messengerdevelopers.com/res...
    There you can find a tutorial for building an bot directly from Facebook. I also used these Tutorials to build my Bot
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