Its 5:32 am been working on a new social media website opened up devrant to check whatsup and found out people really have amazing pc setups ♥️ I couldn’t post mine because my laptop has a broken keyboard and i use a usb keyboard also my laptop overheats so i stuck skateboard wheels to two of the back supports its an i5 processor with 3gb of ram but I love it,its what you do with your resources that really matters right ? with that broken keyboard i created a website for my college department which now 720 students and teachers use and we have around 8k entries in 3 days. Running the website on a local server at my college so no money spent on hosting. Taking small steps towards my goals and hopefully one day i’ll publish my setup

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    @theNSA the idea is just in its raw format for now we have to proceed with the detailed planning and designing i have been working on the prototype for 4 days
    For the marketing part we have a lot of social media influencers here in India hopefully ill begin by spreading the message through my friend and all the emails i have collected through my college website and then through social media and also we r not focusing on the business part we r focusing more on learning and practicing coding it would probably used as a cool project also would help add weightage to our profile 😇 and i’ll try to post my setup today just for u 😄
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