
It's Saturday night here and am enjoying web development instead of partying.
Is this adulthood ? Am i doing right?

  • 13
    i never understood the enjoyment of partying. i always ask people who party: why do you party? like what did you achieve so you're partying right now?

    a lot of people party like they're rich, while i study in silence like im broke
  • 8
    You have chosen wisely.
  • 12
    I mean I feel like proper adulthood is finding the needed balance between getting work done and decompressing so your brain gets time to rest and have certain "AH-HA!" moments. Since we're all different, some get it from partying others get it from curling up reading a book.

    Hopefully that made some sense. So all that to say, if you took even a minute to achieve mental diffusion (diffusing in a way that makes you happy), then yea...you adulting
  • 13
    Adulthood is being able to take care for yourself, do stuff to keep you mentally happy and good shape, and being responsible for it
  • 1
    Sometimes I think alcohol and partying is a waste of brain cells, time, health, money and adds nothing of value to your life.

    Other times I just fucking love to party.
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