
#RedHat missing :(

  • 3
    hahahah I love this. xD

    I think one arrow should have been if one does want to game or not.
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  • 3
    @undef I barely see any dev prefer macos around here .-. everything is ubuntu
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    @hasu well debian in general
    I go kali
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    @R1100 Kali is bloated with stuff and runs slower than others from my experience.
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    @olback on my vm which has 8gb ram works just fine
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    Fedora is like red hats community edition
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    Btw I use arch Kappa

    Btw it's the systemd-free variant, artix

    Btw it's pretty good actually, but can confirm, I have no life and have spent numerous hours installing, reinstalling, and fixing arch.

    Edit: a typo
  • 2
    LOL @ calling Windows "technology".

    Get real.

    macOS is based on FreeBSD and gives you full access to the underlying OS (including root access if you want it) which means even in the worst case it's far more technological than Windows.
  • 1
    @devios1 The whole point is that you _don't_ have to do that with OS X, they put a shiny interface on top, and windows is way less friendly to users in that sense. It wasn't asking if you want a powerful OS, it's asking if you "fear technology", meaning you dont want to spend time figuring out how to do things.
  • 0
    I don't have life then (I use Arch)
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