C is one of those languages that I have no idea why I really even mess around with it. It's cool, and useful, and all that jazz. But holy hell messing up one little line of code is the death of everything.

One forgotten semi-colon, and you whole program is gone. It will mess up other lines of code, which will mess up other lines of code, so on and so forth. I've even had times where I have to almost rewrite little programs I'm playing around with because of how much little errors can mess it up.

Don't even get me started on compiling. I don't even want to get into it now.

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    With a little experience, you'll become able to tell followup errors from genuine second errors. If you have any syntax messed up like forgotten semicolon or missing closes brace / parenthesis, you fix the first occurrence, ignore the rest of the compiler's error spew and compile again.
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