
Dear public transport,

please don't advertise your fucking free wifi if you don't give enough bandwidth to even load freaking Google.

Dear sincerely,

  • 4
    Don't advertise free WiFi to begin with 🙃
  • 3
    Some Public transport in India needs your phone number to sign in which wont later get connected anyway.
    Me : Stay the fuck away bitch
  • 2
    @dreadedghoul The government already knows your phone number, even if it is not registered under your name directly. It is like hiding your genitals from a girl who already saw it.

    If you are talking about company-based transportations, they know it too.
  • 1
    @illegaldisease yeah government anyway knows the number, but them having numbers and u giving your number publicly then getting spammed is different.
    Its same like getting ass fucked by government but then spreading willingly in front of private companies to get ass fucked again.
  • 1
    -> download dnd 2.0
    -> activate dnd(through the provider)
    -> enjoy
  • 0
    Step 2 completed
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