
I made a wordpress website to one of my friends long time back as he wants to teach online and sell his videos. (he is studying MBBS)
Yesterday suddenly he calls me and says our site has been compromised and its not longer secure.
Me: After seeing screenshot, no actually site doesn't have ssl and in recent chrome updates http site is being flagged.
He: Okay, I saw video on youtube how to buy ssl.
Me: its not just installing the certs, all the links and images has to be on https so it will take sometime for me.
He: Today, Website is no longer opening please help after putting ssl as per the video...
Me: What the hell? Who asked you to do that? Are you nuts?
He:................. Sorry, 😐

  • 1
    Btw, you don't have to update all the old links. Apart from the big mistake making them absolute links, there is upgrade-insecure-requests (see here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US... ) and HSTS for the https version. Both go neatly over .htaccess even for shared hosting.
  • 0
    That's great, thank you for the info. Actually I am not a web developer, just did it for him using few plugins.
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