
Email I received:

"Hi xxxxx!

I just received your voicemail and let you know that I would be sending a email:

Here is a link to introduce myself. Please let me know If I can swing in next Monday or Wednesday to shake your hand and meet!"

My response:

"Hello, zzzzzz.

You did not receive a voicemail from me because I have no idea who you or your company is.

If you meant to email someone else, this is a courtesy email letting you know you have the wrong person, and I hope you have a nice day.

If, rather, this is an attention-seeking sales tactic, this is email is a snarky response, letting you know I don't do business with companies that pull that kind of crap.

xxxxx, CIO

  • 13
    The followup:

    "Hi xxxxx,

    Not an attention seeking sales tactic, Sorry you read the email wrong.

    I left you a voice mail and would like to come out on Monday or Wednesday of next week to shake your hand and get my name out there.

    Please let me know if that works for you."


    "Hello again, zzzzz.

    In that case you are somewhat confused, because in addition to not saying what you meant in your first email, and blaming me for your mistake, you also did not leave me a voicemail.

    We are not interested. Thank you."
  • 8
    If a salesperson has zero attention to detail in the pre-sales process, guess how well they will do when you actually have to work with them.
  • 4
    I read the email sounding like Trump. I don't know why.
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