Working on some 2 year old php code don't know who has written it.
Found a function with some 500 lines of code and there is 3 times MySQL connection is initiated overriding same fucking variable with hardcoded database parameters in all of them
What the fuck man😦😦😦

Plus I have just started revewing the code there are tons of files and everywhere connection is hardcoded.

  • 1
    i hope you checked the repo first.... there's always a chance a junior you wrote that crap πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    @thatsnotnice No man there is no chance I have written the code.
    This code is borrowed from another company by the firm I am currently working forπŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  • 3
    It was written by someone who was about to quit.
  • 2
    @bigus-dickus really hard, obviously
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