
Any one running Symfony on a Docker container in production? I currently try to migrate our dev env to a docker compose setup (from a "monolith" vagrant vm). I'm atually not stuck at a Symfony specific thing, but on a, I guess Docker specific one(?), The issue is, I need to read and write with two users to one folder (in my case the /application/var/cache folder). Since I mount my whole code into the docker container (to use an IDE on the local files), I've got a volume (not mounted to the outside world) for that folder. (As far, as good). Now this folder is owned by root and root is also the user I get when I enter the container. When I then run a cli script, that writes to this folder, every thing works (as it's run by root) and the resulting entries in the cache dir are owned by root. Trouble starts when the php fpm process tries to write stuff in there too (as it's run by www-data).
If I add `USER www-data` (or create a new user foobar and add `USER foobar`) the container exits with status 0

So I guess the question is, is anyone running an Symfony app on Docker in Prod, if so how do you solve this? Or another question would be what is the best practice to do this? Sure on dev I could just `chmod 777` the whole folder or run the php-fpm process as root, but if that thing ever goes to prod, I wouldn't sleep very well...

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