So i just joined the "dropped my thinkpad and it made a sickening noise" club.

It lives.

  • 0
    Thinkpads are pretty indestructible.
  • 2
    Mine got droped from a "carry on area" on the bycicle, now idea hoe it's called ("Gepäcksträger") about a year later the cd drive started making funny noices, so I took it out. Now after years of faithfull service, the keyboard wen't to the grave (but I've ordered a new one), so long story short, those fuckers are pretty indestructable!
  • 1
    My laptops HDD has gone through way too many times for it to still be working
  • 1
    @byogdc pretty sure if i use silver bullets on all its horcruxes before i drop it into mount doom while calling its true name i could do it
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