
I think this is interesting and evil at the same time.

You make a huuuuuuuge(like...YUGE level) code base available to a lot of people marketing certain things at an enterprise level and for small companies to use. You make sure people implement a lot of shit with your stack.

Then you tell them that shit will cost money from now on.
And because they might already have a large codebase they can't just change it to whatevs.

Shit is brilliant, moronic and funny at the same time.

Wondering what Gosling is thinking about this whole deal.

If anything this whole thing will make people switch to the excellent OpenJDK platform more and more. I know that starting with Android N google had already moved to the OpenJDK.

Oh well. Wonder if this would make Java developers more vailable and hard to come by cuz I still love the Java programming language and like the monies.

And know I have no soul.

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    Then again, Oracle bought Sun in 2009. Everyone knows that you avoid Oracle like the plague, and people had 9 years to migrate away from Oracle Java. If they havn't done it by now, then they probably aren't the sharpest tacks on the corkboard.
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    @Fast-Nop i would expect so. Personally I would leave my main area of work(web development) to other technologies. I have to maintain Java apps at work and I greatly dislike it even though I like the language(can't really dig the platform as a whole sometimes but I dig the language at least) but I can see why the effort would be intense since most have more shit built in it by a wide margin, we are talking entire industries in the JVM which would take a great effort to move.
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