What dark, heathen God do I have to sacrifice to in order to get CUDA 9.2 installed on a machine? For the love of Christ Nvidia, just make a functional fucking installer for once in your God forsaken life, you're a Fortune 500 company. Why does everything have to be so incredibly janky with you?

  • 2
    Good luck with CUDA development...I found it really hard, and often it messes up with Nvidia driver
  • 2
    So you are telling us that he needs a MIRACLE?

    CUDA => MIRACLE in my launguage 😋
  • 2

    I have a strong feeling that it's the export PATH and licensing files bit driving OP nuts...CUDA is a pain the arse to deal with in general, it's just different to CPU languages.

    I spent 6 months of my life to get part of my simulation to run in CUDA Fortran, and it wasn't a pleasant 6 months to be alive tbh.
  • 1
    because it's NoKwadia (NoQAdia)
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