Linux users of dR, what are the packages/softwares you would highly recommend to a Linux kiddie (Beside latte-dock, Timeshift)? For a Kubuntu ofc?

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    I'd normally ask what you use the system for, but judging from your name, I'd suggest python.
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    @ruhe The fuck?!
    @ilPinguino @njpugh90 Py3 is built-in, and I got Atom, VSCode and PyCharm.
    @irene SL....?

    Also I got thefuck installed.
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    @irene ohhh~ Will do!
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    there is no such things as dev packages for kde or smth, i 99% of time spend in editor, browser and terminal. it that simple as that. distro also doesnt matter a lot (ubuntu, fedora, debian etc.), especially if u are beginner. learn one first. as for packages i personally use sublime-text, composer, node, python3, supervisor, vim, irssi, screen, terminal emulator of your choice. first thing you should learn of course shell commands and get very familiar with pipes, it helps a lot. linux is not point and click os (well you can still do that but this is ineficient, and not everything might be done in that way). it is not about docks, wallpapers, nice transitions, animations etc.

    and most important - git.
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    i3, i3blocks
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    @PythonTryHard yes, but the built in py3 is never as good as the latest python.

    Also , there is a difference if I remember correctly.


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    @lun0 Git installed as 1st priority. Sublime...why not? Atom feels kinda sluggish to be fair. Py3, will update from 3.6.5. vim..........maybe. What are supervisor and irssi though?

    @PrivateGER What's that?

    @ewpratten Firefox ftw. NeoVIM....maybe
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    vim is terminal editor, if i need to edit system wide configuration, for example /etc/hosts. also it comes handy to know vim if you need some edits on remote machines. or u can use something more simple like nano.

    irssi is just an irc client. i still do chat on irc.

    supervisor package helps you control processes, autostart, autorestart, stderr and stdout redirects etc. for example your somewhat python service dies. configuration might be slightly different depending on distro.
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    @lun0 I'll just use nano lol
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