Anybody there???

  • 4
    I don't get it, what is the joke here?
  • 1
    That's a very white foot there...
  • 4
    @AleCx04 I think the left legs are from a mannequin
  • 6
    This is me except i don't own macbook and don't have girlfriend
  • 2
    Don't repeat yourself... She didn't learn that it seems ...
  • 1
    Commenting every line of code, huh? Please don't do that...
  • 1
    4 legged human who can write code on two machines at same time. Amazing
  • 2
  • 3

    I cant see the exact code, but the left screen of left macbook code seems to be repeated 6 times. Parameters are diffetent but could be wrapped in a function. Since it is all javascript, could be applicable.
    On the right side, seems like an encapsulation.

    On the right macbook, comments in every line. Seems like right one is teaching how to code to left one, because the title of opened file is "untitled" ( new file )

    Besides, who the fuck wears narrow trousers in the bed, uncomfortable as hell. Seems like a popularity fishing stuff, too much cringe.
  • 0
    NSA is not interested in shit code.
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