
Long Story short. I'm developing a Web Platform for my company to share documents with our partners.

So this was way back in 2016. The site is finished for almost two years now. But the department's who wanted this in the first place didn't gave me permission to deploy until like two months ago. Now the site is running online. Yay.

Well guess what. The department responsible for the creation of sad documents, now wants a full blown configuration web site. Best part. Can it be like Free Commander? Yeah right I'm gonna build this on a website. The fuck is wrong. It was just a simple table with some helpful info to help them track their files.

  • 1
    Write json output into it, and invite them to write their own goddamned holo interface.
  • 0
    Just for fun. I looked up if you can open a filesystem folder via browser. Good guy IE5 helps you out.
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