
Working on migrating my stuff from DigitalOcean to Contabo. Did a little test drive over the weekend and was very happy with the service. Most of all, I was very happy with the price: paying around a 4th of what I paid to DO to get the same specs ^^

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    Using Contabo for years now, never had a single problem and their customer service is first class.
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    Wowwww! 4 euro a month gets you 4 gigs! My main gripe with DO is how they never give you enough RAM. I might be right behind you migrating here....
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    @Karunamon that was the exact reason I switched. Running multiple Java apps on a 4GB machine + postgresql is asking for bottlenecks
    DO doesn't set up swap automatically anyway, so I was always starved for RAM before I realize that
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    @Avyiel That might be enough to get away with running a Kubelet...
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    Yes contabo is awesome! I've got 4 vps's with them currently and everything is great.
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    @linuxxx mine is running with 100% uptime so far. Bandwidth is great too. Really happy :)
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