
My team was sharing an API key to our company's microservice containing all our customer data.

I say "was" because one team member accidentally published the key online so the security team disabled our key and won't give us a new one.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

  • 4
    Reacting to it is secondary, finish that team member first.
  • 5
    In fairness, if I was your security team and saw such a key online, I *also* wouldn't give you a new one until said incompetencies were addressed.

    If I did, I've got no guarantee the new one wouldn't also be online within 5 minutes.
  • 1
    @vocuzi the security team did that already haha
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce yeah, I don't blame them. Hopefully it won't take them too long to come around. The front end of my project will start looking better in the mean time.
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