
> Gradle build finished in 32 seconds

As if you did, fucking cunt. I've only watched half an anime episode and commented here and there in the meantime. Surely that'd be 30 seconds. Perhaps Gradle, you could've taken all that extra time to learn how to fucking count.

Android development, what hell am I getting myself into...

  • 6
    @XiovV actually i bought myself a beast as fuck laptop on black friday 2017 full specs, gtx 1060, i7, ddr4, but only 8 ram so i recently upgraded to 16 ram. i used to call it Ark (noah ark). now it might be a terminator. i never had problems with gradle because i always buy beast pc's exactly to prevent these problems
  • 4
    @XiovV honestly i don't think gradle is THAT much performance demanding. i think people over exaggerate Or they have an extremely LQ PC, like what do you expect, its like driving a bicycle and being mad because you can't go 1000km/h in speed
  • 3
    @XiovV gradle => android builds
    It's the android builds that need so much power, gradle on its own is fast AF.
  • 5
    Do checkout Android Jetpack for the modern architecture components. Using the observable pattern and an actual architecture decoupling your code from Android framework view code (Activities, Fragments) makes for a lot nicer experience from what I hear.

    Screw parcelables and serializing state on configuration change like screen rotation. Much better to store your data in a model class that doesn't get destroyed when you rotate the screen.
  • 1
    Take note, this is what a good rant looks like.
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