
I'm going to do my first internship in a month. I am 22 yo.
Am I too old for the first job experience according to you? Because I actually feel so...

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    Thanks to both of you... Sometimes I get a bit paranoid about this... 😁
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    @irene 😱 I get the feeling...
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    Well I am 22 too and I am already working as developer since 3 years.

    I think theres no "right" time but you should be ready. Just trust in yourself and have fun :)
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    Thanks, @Tokimimo , I appreciate that 😊😊
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    Nope. One of the best co-workers I've had started at 26.
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    You can do internships all your life... :) I've had interns who were over 50..
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    Many people are like 25 or older when they finish studying... So why should you be too old for an internship with 22y?
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    @Snob don't know, I read about a lot of people starting their firsts jobs at about 18 or something, but after reading all these comments I realize that there's no problem about it... Thanks you all
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    I started at 26 as well, and couldn't be happier. You'll do great!
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