
I need to convert lots and lots of lengthy hard-coded entities into backend objects, as I'm tired of pushing new commits every time something superficial needs to change.

Also, I need to figure out continuous integration. The guy who was going to help with that just left the company, and I was using his eventual forthcoming help as an excuse not to take responsibility for learning about it myself.

I need to learn golang and start converting some code to it, to see if the performance compares to the perl that's currently in place. Perl is brilliant, but aside from me, only old people know it, at my office. That definitely creates a longterm supportability issue.

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    I'd say golang isn't that well known either though I can understand it being a better choice than C or C++.

    Have you considered Python (maybe using cython or pypy if startup time is important to your performance problem) or Rust (if you're looking for an optimising compiler)? I'd also be considering Haskell but I'm pretty keen on FP.
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    I would like to avoid python if I can, because I hate it, and it's much slower and more expensive than perl. Though that said, that may be what it comes to. Rust, lisp, and ruby are possibilities as well, though the latter is also very slow and expensive.
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