FFS what is the standard with dependency injection with Android. Is it dagger2 or kodein. Last 2 days googling about and it seems like it's dagger2 yet others say it's kodein. Kodein is newer I guess so less written about it. Seems like every 2 weeks it's something new. No wonder I can't pick this up. It changes faster than Trump can fricken tweet.

Like first mvc then mvp then mvvm then mvi what's next mve? 😵

So flustered. As last post I feel like giving up. Every time you try to learn some new "standard" creeps out from CS major ass crack. Is it the same for IOS. Maybe I should sell a kidney for a Mac book.

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    Note: Never programmed for Android. So mileage may vary.

    Does it matter which framework or library is helping to do that? Dependency injection at the core is basically just a form of inversion of control. You could write code to inject the dependencies via the constructors most of the time. Or via parameters for times when implementations vary. If you just maintain this standard, you can pretty much switch between whichever framework you like. Dependency injection as a pattern is standard. Everything else is just there to make life a little easier.

    Just my two cents.
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