
Howdy yall,
I'm interested in developing a productivity app for windows, but I have no idea where to get started. Do you have any suggestions for frameworks/tutorials to get started with? I'd prefer to use C# instead of C++, but if necessary I'll do either.
Thanks for the suggestions
P.S. It'll also be the first project I actually use version control for. Fun stuff

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    Well for windows C# should be a good choice unless you need ridiculous performance ;)

    But more important is what you are going to do.

    Doing the right thing is always more important than the tools.

    And why.

    Is this just to try doing it, or do you aspire to actually distribute it?

    For an experiment I would go with. Something simple that you can find many examples of just to get a good chance to get it done.

    If you are looking to build something to distribute its much harder as you either has to find something useful that not already has a hundred good tools or be better than most other.
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    @Voxera thanks for the response
    I feel like choosing the right tools is part of doing the right thing.
    I’m planning on building an app to help me personally. I’m not planning on distributing it unless it gets really good (and if I do it won’t be a paid thing).
    I’ll probably start with a little practice app because it’s a pretty daunting task, but I’d like to get moving on basic functionality not too far down the road
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    Just think of tasks you do regularly and how to automate them
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    @McSebi preferably in a dynamic way that can be configured or scripted outside of the program Code
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    You can get some help in here

    And look for Xamarin too, it's a good tool (if you know how to use)
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    @Orni make sure to set clear first goal to get some part operational.

    Its very easy to go to wide and then never get done and once you have some functionality going you might fund a whole new set of priorities that was not apparent before.

    I have seen this a couple of times when you have to actually use what you built for a real task and you end up with a loong list of improvements you never would have thought if before :)
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