From my experience you can't really avoid bad companies with 100% success ratio. You can pay attention to the surroundings during an interview, you can research the company online, but in the end whether the company is good or bad is a purely subjective feeling. I think the most important thing is to make sure you don't get too attached to the company either emotionally or legally, so you can just gtfo when you decide it's not right for you.

  • 2
    Also, I work at a bad company. A few years ago it was a good company. A few years from now, who knows. Companies are made up of a group of people whose membership constantly changes.
  • 0
    It's not really the company but it's the people with whom you work. My friends who joined with me are liking their team and are happy. Whereas I am very disappointed with my team members and the amount of politics they do.
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