
Not at all.

I’m a dropout. 🤷‍♂️

My dropping out was due to mental health from a bad relationship and also the realisation that I was failing the math-based portions of the course.

I’ve no doubt had I been better with maths and finished, the course would have been useful, but not the degree itself.

Not having it has never been a real barrier to my finding work, though it did raise eyebrows and require explanation to begin with... now my CV kinda speaks for itself in a way a degree simply doesn’t.

Throw in the fact that most grads can’t code (https://blog.codinghorror.com/why-c...) and employers are starting to wake up to the pointlessness of the degrees.

Real world learning, experience and intuition are *far* more valuable.

I will counterbalance this with the caveat that, if you’re doing things on the very bleeding edge, then a compsci degree beyond undergrad is likely the course you want to forge, I assume there’s no decent substitute for access to the knowledge of experts and the tech / equipment they bring to bear.... just avoid becoming an ivory tower type and you’ll be fine.

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    @irene oh really? You’re still pursuing it / graduated? Was it the maths tripping you up? I was never much good at numbers but got things like algebra (makes sense I suppose).

    My big problem was that at school I was never taught things like matrices, graphs, statistical analysis etc, nor at college as that was just binary and hex, so university was a huge curve ball. 🤷‍♂️
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    I *should* qualify this with the fact that owing to my programming module performance I obtained enough points to qualify for an HND rather than my BSc and that’s been quite useful for showing that I at least got somewhat through it.

    Though nobody asks about my university time these days, they’re way more interested in the roles on the CV.
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    @irene yep. Uni was a clusterfuck for me. First real manifestation of my ongoing depression, they mistook it for S.A.D.

    Relationship (with a boy) broke down, he cheated, I was gonna propose, whole mess.

    Oh, and my ex from college was there too, I had no idea he’d chosen the same university, so seeing him there was a big kick in the teeth too - certainly didn’t help that we moved in the same friend circles either.
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    @Nanos ouch, sounds like you’ve come to your senses this time though!
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