Learning Go as my second programming language. What are your thoughts on Go?

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    It looks ugly - but I think it‘s pretty powerful.
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    Go is beautiful, slick and powerful. Totally endorse your decision
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    My favorite language.
    Powerful, fast, easy, secure.
    And its relevancy in the dev-world rises day by day.
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    I'm learning it too. Thus far, I like it. I primarily use Python and probably still will, but I was looking for a compiled language so I could develop a fully portable, cross-platform application that doesn't depend on an installed interpreter.

    I just need to get used to working in a stricter language again. I started with Java but I've primarily used Python for the last six years, so I'm used to Python's various shortcuts and dynamic typing.
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    No thought yet but huge noob question: how / where do you learn it? I haven't been able to find a tutorial as good as one I could find on about any other (mainstream) language
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    @Drillan767 my bad, just saw @filthyranter's answer, I'm going to start from there 😁
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    I think you should go ahead and learn it. To me, it solves problems I don't have, at the price of features I'd really like. In short, just not for me.
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    @irene is that a compliment or is it sarcasm that I detect?
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    @irene hmmm... Tell me more
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    Oh God. Fine. I get it. C! C is the best!!! Wahhhh! I write C so I'mma the best programmer fucking in the world!! C all the way!!!! Fucking C. C this C that. Is JS good? No! C is the best! Is Go good? Noo! C is the best! There always one fucker who thinks everyone writes the same shit. I appreciate if people can tell me precisely which part it makes sense, and which part it does not. Can you fucking run a serverless C on Lambda? Fuck no! Glorified this glorified that. Maybe you have no fucking idea how diverse the industry is and why people come out with these new languages. Fucking morons.
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    @irene I get that. I really do. But just because of that, suggesting C as a solution for everything doesn't make sense either. For once, you have to give something new a chance. Maybe it's actually good? Maybe others will experience something as good as C again? I hate hypetrains too, but sometimes certain are actually not soooo bad. Maybe Go is not glorified C. Maybe it's actually pretty good?? I chose Go because I saw who made that language, the community, the way its supported in cloud. So many factors. Soooo manyyyy. I think C will always be the greatest language of all time. But I don't think it's fair to go around critisizing everything else. Take javacript for e.g. despite its horrifying nature, it enables people to write their first code. Maybe it has its purpose in this world. Even php and Java.
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    @irene and I think you live in your own world and it's okay. No point arguing. I admire the way you defend C. But I will never ever discourage new developers. They will learn from their mistakes. They will eventually find out what is the way to go. The people are the industry. I feel no need to 'protect the industry'. It was PHP and JavaScript that made WordPress, that enabled thousands of writers and creative people. Well who am I trying to prove a point to? A C developer? Hahaha.
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    @irene I agree. But for that same reason, I always try a more kind approach to those spoon fed developers. Let them see what they are missing out, without insulting them one bit. How their tools are getting in their way. And why on Earth would you use WordPress. 🤣 Haha. Anyways, nice chatting Irene!
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    @irene Most programming languages are "glorified C" or "C with bells and whistles", but those bells and whistles are pretty damn nice sometimes. C++ is just "glorified C" so why do people still use it?
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    @eshwarenm @irene Sorry for barging in, I'm kinda scratching my head about "suggesting C as a solution for everything". I'm not seeing that. What I see is a statement on the relation between C and Go, with no bearing on other languages whatsoever. Can you clear up my confusion?
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