You are team:

MyFunction {




For me it's the first one.

  • 1
    Depends on style wanted and language coded.
  • 2
    Second one
  • 4
    C#. the 2nd one, Js the 1st
  • 4
    Whatever my code editor formatted it for me
  • 2
    I prefer always the first. But when writing C# then ReSharper forces me to write the second.
  • 5
    I prefer the first, but I’m easy-going and don’t judge if you prefer the second. Unless you intentionally use one that disagrees with the project linter and intentionally don’t use aforementioned linter.
  • 2
    Our professor forces us to allways use the second one.
  • 1
    The first one.
  • 1
    I am team first but how I write depends on the language.
  • 1
    The second, It works with replacing, Automatic code gen and I never want to see without {}


  • 1
    @W4R10CK Correction: I always write like the first one but the IDE format it for me.
  • 1
    @Sumafu resharper. Good choice, for me i've updated it so it use the 1st one.
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    @Pandee Just, kill him. Why obligating people to use a type of coding. OMG it's absurd. Those type of coding is a choice that yourself have to do
  • 1
    @0x0000FFFF same, i hate people who don't use {}
  • 1
    @Sumafu wait no i use Rider, does resharper is for C#? Idk the differences
  • 0
    @HamsterOh unless you start a project, the stylistic choices won't be your hand. Though you might not agree with the professors choice, I think it's a good way to get students used to how it will happen in the industry.
  • 0
    Depends on language coding style and standarts, not on your preference.
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