
WTF if you want to program stuff learn how to use your programming language. Why is it so hard for that many people to learn how stuff works and stop copying blindly from the internet?
I have two colleagues who are doing nothing else that to just google their problems going to the first answer and cooping it then trying to run the program and if it doesn’t work ether give up completely or starting a loop of inserting the error message to google and copy the first result?

  • 10
    I blame us, developers. We made tools that even a monkey can use to bring more people into this industry, and now we are surprised that monkeys work in the industry. :(
  • 0
    @Hazarth IBukkit developers are plagued by this 100x worse than most
  • 1
    This is something I struggled to understand till I found myself doing it.

    It's because it's impossible to start from scratch when you're not given a simple cause effect self contained system.

    Enterprise coding relies on awkwardly starting in the middle of a high level framework.

    Try throwing someone on an ASP .NET boilerplate project, good luck.

    Compare that with starting with a python REPL.
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