
This is just me throwing out my thoughts from the past few weeks.

edit: this is long

> Working on a C# project. its going well Its teaching me a lot about SQLite and file IO. I'm having a lot of fun with it, even the debugging as much I want to slam my head on the wall but I'm not asking for help so far and I'm very proud of myself because it feels so much better. like I don't mind asking for help but its so much more rewarding and I learn more from it.

> I need portfolio of software I can show off to employers and the current project I'm working on is the first programs in the portfolio. The place I want to apply to uses C#, but I still wanted a few other programs in other languages such as Python or JS just to show what I'm capable of.

> I was looking at what ASP.NET Core offers and it impresses the fuck out of me, and confuses me. The parts that confuse me, like for example the normal asp webapp is a very impressive hello world app. and it has so many different files and such but how or what do they expect me to add? how am I supposed to work with it? and if I delete any files I don't need (the premade js, bootstrap, jquery, html, and css) it produces errors because of the project files are pointing to those. and i know I can use the empty project (I do) but does that question my ability as a dev since I don't want to use it for my projects?

> On that note I love using Intellisense and debuggers and auto complete and I can go without them I just don't want to rely on them. idk I've just been a little more stressed these past few weeks.

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    The thing with large C# and Java apps(I bundle both of them here since they are really similar in terms of OOP architecture) is that you need to be able to discern the different design patterns used in these types of languages to better figure out the best route to take when it comes to adding your own files.

    How do you know what to extend?
    How do you know where to use your own files? And how do you extend or implement different functionality?

    C# ans Java are amazing in this regard since they really force you to use a proper design architecture to get what your project needs. Learning this is not as tricky as it might seem, knowing where to use it IS tricky.

    I recommend a fuckload of practice.
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    @AleCx04 Is it bad that I prefer the empty project? I dont know any Bootstrap or Jquery and anything I would add wouldnt be as good (visually) and wouldnt match the style and if I were to attempt to change the styles well its going to take a long time.

    its not the C# I have a problem with its the other stuff thats already put a lot of work in and I cant remove.
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    @Bubbles you can remove it, absolutely. It ain't bad that you like to remove that stuff and in the long run will just make you a better dev.
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    @AleCx04 removing it or keeping it will make me better?
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