
Not coding rant
I forgot my student ID today and was trying to enter a building.
Called my friend to swipe me in
Security: nah you can't do that
Me: why, I'm a student here
Security: Weill that student id only shows that he is a student
Me: I can provide you my student ID number and state ID
Security: no, either you go get a new student ID now, or you can't enter the building
Wtf? I've asked other people to swipe me in before and the security didn't day shit
I went home and filed a report against that guy
Straight up abusing his power

  • 10
    You fucked up. He is right you know.
  • 5
    What? No. You didn't have a student ID. If you can't identify yourself as a student, you can't get in.
  • 3
    Yes. As usually, we are blaming others for our mistakes. Just take responsibility. Life will be easier :) ....
  • 1
    @Jaroswald this is devRant after all.
  • 0
    @aviophile Yes. But rant started with "Not coding rant" :D ... And after reading I understood, that it is not rant at all. Its just blaming others for what you did wrong...
  • 1
    @Jaroswald let me explain myself better. OP just rants by blaming someone else, i agree, but this platform is for rants, whether they are right or bitchy :)
  • 1
    @KDSBest @dotneterror @filthyranter @Jaroswald ok maybe I didnt explain this in detail, the school allow even visitors to come in as long as they register themselves with a valid ID. A student who forgot his Id can register with the student ID number. Same to student professor and any visitor. Thid security guard did not offer an alternative solution except go get a new student ID now regardless my effort to register as a visitor.
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