Hey can anyone suggest me a really good book for express and node js or just js?

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    If it's js I guess it's too late now.. by the time you finish a book 3 new framework will be out
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    @sam21s did I read 300 new frameworks?
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    @gitpush oops my bad hehehe

    @firebender I started late with js and didn't know where to start. I guess going with some good Medium tutorials will be a good start.
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    Depending on your level:

    Eloquent JS : great book for programming principles with JS. This is free.

    You don't know JS series: these are really good, and go really in depth in regards to the language.

    In regards to Node and Express I can't remember exactly how I learned how to use it. I just know I know the whole sheband by memory now. But if you must learn web devel with Node most assume that you come from other places. Tutorials in Skotch and Medium are good for this. There is also the freecodecamp channel on youtube as well as the freecodecamp website.

    Node.js for backend is really fun. Enjoy!
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    Just read their docs and examples
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    Why books if you can have an interactive course?


    That being said, you should start with TypeScript over VanillaJS asap!
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    @k0pernikus i dig the nodeschool tuts, had forgotten about those. But don't you think that its a little bit extreme to suggest Typescript to someone that might very well be just starting into Javascript.
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    @AleCx04 TypeScript brings sanity to JavaScript. Those compile time checks have saved me uncountable times. I didn't want to like it once I learned it. I came to love it.

    I consider JavaScript broken and TypeScript is the backwards compatible fix.
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    @k0pernikus i am not disagreeing. My point is that one should know how Javascript works before jumping into TypeScript since it is a superset of JS.
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    javascript.info is awesome, check it out
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    JavaScript Allongé is good one
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    O'Reilly's the best!
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