Any suggestions to a fresher who is applying for full time developer jobs?? All insights are welcome.

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    Don't sign a bound
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    - You are allowed to submit a different resume/cover letter to each employer so long as they're all honest. Emphasize the things that are relevant to the company you're applying to.
    - Watch spelling/grammar/formatting on the documents you submit. It speaks to your competence. I use LaTeX for my resume. Submitting a resume where a list has multiple bullet point sizes or slightly different indentation levels (aka MS Word) looks fucky and amateur. Cover letter goes in the email directly.
    - Remember that interviews are a 2 way street. If you're in a position where you might get multiple offers, pay attention to what your prospective employers are saying in interviews and try to ask (polite) questions that will hint at which place is better to work. E.g. places looking for rockstars/ninjas are usually shitholes that have 0 structure and want tons of unpaid overtime to make up for it. If you're in this position try asking about their CI pipelines, testing strategies, code review, etc.
  • 1
    Thank you!!!
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