Well isn't this just great

  • 11
    I'm a simple man, I see these changes and instantly activate them
  • 5
    @lxmcf I see, a man of culture.
  • 4

    I totally fangirled.
    And immediately installed the update.
    And squealed. Again. 😸
  • 7
    Oh, it's better than great!
  • 4
    When I first saw those pixelated avatars (few days ago) I was like: Why I HAVE MY GLASSES ON, WHY I CAN'T SEE CORRECTLY T_T

    Luckily it took seconds to realize its april's fool joke
  • 0
    And noone except ++ users sees pixelated avatars.
  • 2
    @Pogromist you could always join the ++ club 🙃🙃🙃 there's cookies, black theme, binary scores and pixelated avatars now, so grab a seat and make yourself at home 😄
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