......just gonna leave it here.

  • 34
    Search shit up. He already tweeted and responded to this shit. He is completely fine with her finding the way to use the software that he wrote for the application and he is a fellow coworker of hers.

    And according to him its about 65k lines of code, the rest are model data that resides in some rather large txt files.

    He was recognized for it and he received the attention that HE wanted for it. Making this a case of "he should have been recognized by the public as well" thing is not something he wants because he is not bitching about it or discrediting his coworker.
  • 12

    The important sites that documented this achievement DID give credit to the rest of the team as well as the many portions of the web in which there is an actual scientific community.

    Fb and similar shitholes didn't. Pick your news correctly.
  • 12
    @maushax also...she has a Ph.D in Electrical engineering and comp science from fucking M.I.T man...she most definitely knows what she is doing.

    She wasn't just copy pasting Python code to get what she wanted.
  • 9
    @AleCx04 correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I have read and understand, she also developed the algorithm behind the achievement, right?

    I mean, if I'm not mistaken, then it also means that besides the misinformation that has been spreading (you know, as the image of OP), the people aren't taking into account that designing an algorithm is something different to actually writing it into code, right?

    I was wondering about this because I couldn't finish to understand why some "trolls" (I'm trying to be polite) are/were focusing on her collaborations on a Github repository, highlighting the LoC that she wrote there, instead of taking into account the general effort...
  • 3
    @maushax she did mention the whole team. and in every interview she says we
  • 4
    @maushax please read his tweet: https://twitter.com/thisgreyspirit/...
  • 4
  • 4
    This is the first tweet of a series of seven one this matter, from Andrew: https://twitter.com/thisgreyspirit/...
  • 3
    @ponsfrilus thanks for posting the original link bro!
  • 4
    @0x412E2047696C The particular picture in question did not use her algorithm. She developed one of the algorithms that were considered to be used, therefore she indirectly influenced the development with the work she put into her algorithm. Attributing all efforts to her is therefor even more misleading by the mainstream media. She helped the project just as much as everyone else did, but is going to be offered better opportunities because of the misleading media coverage. The legitimacy of the media giants that pushed this narrative are the ones that is being questioned not her.
  • 3
    @0x412E2047696C i believe so. I got the same thing from reading the articles. The ammount of work the woman did was intense in terms of math and engineering to not warrant a bunch of jealous assholes shitting on what she did.
  • 4
    @p100sch go check at the ammount of work interferometry requires and you will see it differently. She used a library, in which she did contributions to, i don't give a shit if she wrote 100 lines of code....everyone that knows at least a little about interferometry knows that software just plays a role in it...knowing what to do is way more.
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