
If you want a self stem boost talk to some non programmers sometime. They seems to see us as gods with some mystical magical powers!!

Talked with a broker today and he told me about a damaged computer that he had with some important files. I told him that I'm not that kind of computer guy and proceeded to explain him briefly what I do (I build stuff) and he was like "oh, so you a the the REAL computer guy!" (no offense to any technicians here!)
I loved it!

So, get out and talk to the muggles and stop complaining that you are not good enough to work for Google (or Google is not good enough for you anymore anyways...)

  • 1
    This is how you get imposter syndrome, if you don't, you are delirious.
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    @mundo03 no, you get imposter syndrome by hearing other dev talks about such complicated things that you with your *HTML* programming experience feel will never be able to learn...
    Unless we are talking about different things when we say "imposter syndrome"
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    @benj same thing, feeling you are not that cool.
    You get it with this two situations.
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    @mundo03 I guess it depends on how you look at it 🙃
  • 3
    Once had that experience myself. We are a company consisting of different branches and software development is located elsewhere than the rest. So we tend to see the non-devs only at events, such as the annual summer party.

    So at this party when I just had joined the company, a couple of colleagues approached me and struck up a conversation. Their initial statement was, "hey, so.. you're one of those genius people?" and I was like, "uhhh..", was a memorable moment.
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