Best Linux distro for NodeJS back end projects? Maybe I have to work with docker or VMs. I currently have Ubuntu Mate but I want to change. I have 8Gb of RAM and performance is what I need.

2nd Question with low priority: is anyone able to use office 365 without the online solution in any Linux distro?

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    Any desktop os could work,

    And for the office probably no
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    Best distro is the one you are most familiar with. If you plan to use docker. I would suggest sticking to linux as I have always struggled to configure docker on a windows machine.
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    If you want a recent Version oft node, something like arch or void is way to go.
    The last time I tried to do Node on Ubuntu and fedora, both still had NodeJS-8, while the LTS at this moment was v10 and Current was v11.
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    @metamourge In theory you can bypass limitations like that by using docker containers to build and run your app. But I don’t have any practical experience with that myself and heard there are some problems with it from other people.
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    I think node can be used on any distro.

    As for office, I installed 360 on my Kubuntu machine using wine. It is a bit buggy but gets the job done most of the time. Also it seems a lot more heavy weight than libre office. But it is not very convenient to use. because wine emulates a Windows subsystem. Finding the file and "save as" or "export" from within the office is a bit pain in the a** .

    If I have to use MSOffice, I still prefer ol version
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