

I'am currently at the Ragnarök Festival and like last year there are all lot of rubber ducks to buy in the merchandise tent. But I cannot dicide which I'd buy. So, I want to ask for recommendations. Which duck shall I buy? :)

  • 3
    There are more ducks :D
  • 3
    Buy the yellowest one
  • 2
    I like the 🔥 breathing 🐲 duck. At first I thought it was eating a little orange duck, which would have been really cool, but it's just breathing fire.
  • 1
    that's pretty dope

    buy a few and you get an actual team of advisor/therapist/consulting ducks.

    then consider your coding problems gone
  • 2
    @iAmNaN lol, infanticidal ducks, that sounds awful!
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    A fellow metalhead from Germany?
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    @Bimpfi nice! Enjoy the festival! I'd love to go to summer breeze this year. The lineup is even better than last year. You in?
  • 1
    @darthkebab Thanks :) Summer Breeze is planned this year too. The lineup ist awesome. Let me know if you are going to it :)
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    @Bimpfi I hope I'll get vacation. Starting at a new company with a probation period... Would be a shame to miss.. Where are you from? I live & work in Frankfurt am Main area.
  • 0
    @darthkebab I wish you that you get the vacation. I live and study in Coburg. If we should meet at Summer Breeze i'll spend you some good beer from Franconia :D
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