Co-worker - "We need to have this added just like this, you should be able to do that right, it looks easy"

Me - "HA we'd have to redesign the whole architecture to make that work, and you still can't even figure out how to take a screenshot after I've showed you 20 times, so maybe don't tell me how easy something does or doesn't look"

  • 4
    I hate the word “easy”.
    In my opinion it should never be said when talking about dev work.
    Often things will look easy but then you need to do some black magic to get the thing to work.
    For example, styling checkboxes with css.
  • 1
    "should be easy right?" one of my favs
  • 5
    My favorite is, "why two days? It's just a button."

    Yes, I understand what you interact with is a button. That button sequentially calls eight entirely new rest services, in sequence, and starts a CRON job and fires off a new Docker container which returns it's response after the entire machine stands up and the endpoint returns a 2xx success message.

    So.. yeah. "One button."
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