What is the ugliest programming syntax?

So far - I think it’s PHP mixed with tailwind for CSS.

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    u think php has ugly syntax ? 😂 man its too simple. U want ugly syntax look at c, or those reference pointer riddled languages.
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    Rust has the turbofish: item.method::<T>() but thankfully that's only needed in cases where type inference fails.

    Also the new proposal for await syntax: "postfix dot await" (future.await) which looks like a field access.
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    @tokumei Am I the only one that thinks that turbo fish syntax looks good?
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    @AymanH i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder since i think C is the definition of a beautiful lang. Simple and minimalist
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    I think that the syntax of:

    Rust, Perl, Go, Swift and Kotlin is are ugly AF.

    Go surprises me, it is very minimal but the weird indents that i see in some source code is ugly. Only in some parts tho.
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    @irene not only thar, but lets say that you get pass that(which I am sure you can) just to find out that you still need to go through other people's code.
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    @irene i meant it as "you could learn it if you wanted" but ok i guess
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    @freeme You must be looking at some poorly written markup. I think that html is one of the cleanest! : ) - I guess if there a lot of attributes it can get ugly.
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    @RantSomeWhere i felt that way when I started with it. Now i don't even see the () anymore
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    @freeme Circling back to this 156 days later... haha --- How would you write HTML differently? I forced my 70-year-old mom to think this through... (knows nothing about programming) - and she basically re-invented markdown... haha - but - you wouldn't want to use markdown for real web-framework templating - because you need clearer attributes. Any thoughts on that?
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