
Google made sure that devs understand Layout Editor has lots of bug fixes in AS 3.4,
I'm now at 3.4.1 and that thing still crashes (stops responding to changes unless I do them in XML) when I just add a damn new control in an empty window!

I hope they get it right anytime soon.

So my situation right now:
XCode shit when writing code but has some robust Layout Editor

Android Studio: Amazing when writing code but shit when using Layout Editor

Guess one can't get the best in at least one of them :\

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    @Frederick I'm not sure from where the problem, but Layout Editor is useless now, I can't move anything on it, and whatever I change in XML doesn't get reflected when rendering

    I did Invalidate Cache and Restart, but nothing is working, any suggestions?
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    @Frederick I hate this, thought I'd get some work done but no, debugging tools is just fun right?
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    @24th-Dragon oh come on, that I never faced and now afraid to face it T_T

    @Frederick Indeed, I did work with Eclipse and honestly not much issues that drove me crazy like this one :\
    Not to mention I had to switch Android Studio to Linux because on Windows it sucked more ram than the entire system (Windows!!) would ever use...
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